Saturday, September 08, 2007

Singers Develop Their Voices and Their Confidence at Chorister Camp

The three of the choristers from St. John's who attended a week-long program of music and fellowship during a choristers camp at St. Thomas Church in New York City in July say the program helped them to strengthen and develop their singing voices while making new friends and enjoying the company of old ones. The girls returned with greater confidence in their abilities and enthusiasm for the chorister program.

Ofelia, the lead chorister at St. John's, says the program taught her to hit the High B as well as other previously out-of-reach notes. She and Diana said the exercises for "jiggling your muscles" to strengthen them helped them develop their voices.

Susy says that through the course she learned how to support her voice: "I learned how to hold it longer so my throat doesn't give out before I'm done."

The 44 girls from around the country who attended practiced singing for 1 1/2 hours three times a day.

All three girls enjoyed seeing New York City, including a performance of Mama Mia and walks in Central Park. The girls said that back in their dorms they found themselves singing as a group for the fun of it as well as just plain having fun with their peers.