Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Choristers Visit with Mrs. Connecticut after GWIM Concert

After the Chorister Academy sang 10 interfaith songs at the Greater Waterbury Interfaith Ministries May 20 pasta supper fund-raiser, it spent some time with Mrs. Connecticut, Lynnette Letsky Piombo, who was at St. John's to support the GWIM event. She helped each chorister try on her beautiful tiara. Ever the good sports, the boys joined in the fun, too!

The Choristers sang the Israeli folk hymn "Hashivenu," "O Gracious Light," "Festival Alleluia," "Al Shlosha D'Varim," "Jubilate!," "Christ Has no Body but Yours," the Sufi Islamic chant "Alla Hoo," "Make Me a Channel of Your Peace," and "An Irish Blessing."